Sunday, September 5, 2010

Celebrating Madison's Birthday!

You're so amazing you shine like the stars
You're so amazing the beauty you are
You came blazing right into my heart
You're so amazing you are...
You are

You came from heaven shining

Breath of God still flows from fresh on you
The beating heart inside me
Crumbled at this one so new

So its been FIVE YEARS! I can't believe FIVE YEARS! Funny how things work... I tried so hard to have my own beautiful baby. FIVE YEARS of hardship. Seem like forever but finally.... I feel pregnant with the most amazing LITTLE GIRL! :) She is my sunshine.....
Well my SUNSHINE is FIVE! And unlike the years of infertility that seemed to drag these parenting years are going far to fast. I want to hold her, craddled in my arms far longer then this. Yet, she is growing into the most AMAZING little lady, full of faith! I am so in love with her. I am so proud of her. I am blessed with her. 

I hope your tears are few and fast
I hope your dreams come true at last
I hope you find love that goes on and on and on and on and on
I hope you wish on every star
I hope you never fall too far
I hope this world can see how wonderful you are

Circus World Aug 22nd

August 22nd, 2010

We went in the morning and walked around. It was very warm and the kids kind of tired. They enjoyed seeing the animals. They also liked seeing the big top circus. We looked at all the old train carts that use the travel. But the favorite of all was the merry go around. 

Madi's horses name was princess! :) She really enjoy'd the girl hanging from the rope, the dancing. Giggled at the clown  that was trying to sleep in the hammock. She also really enjoy'd the tiger show. It was pretty short and sweet but she had her own show when she got home. 

Kyler liked the monkey and puppies in the opening show. He got a high fever the next day, so I think he wasn't feeling well. Poor Lil Man. 

Till next year, :) 

Sesame Street Live August 20th

August 20, 2010

Sunny Day
Sweepin' the clouds away
On my way to where the air is sweet

Can you tell me how to get,
How to get to Sesame Street...

.... by signing up for a drawing at COW 97 via the internet. 

I got a call in the morning the week prior to the show. My name was picked for free tickets from the studio. I was excited as I knew the kids really wanted to go.  

We decided to go to the Friday Night Show. It was perfect! 

Here is the kids after the ride. Madison has been to a few shows before but this was Kyler and Aaron's first show! 
We got our tickets and found our seats. Front and center 3rd tier. 

Madison was excited when she heard big bird start talking to us. She got a little more excited when she seen ELMO and then finally she got to see Zoe and Abby! 
Kyler liked Elmo and cookie monster! Kyler danced and danced. They asked if we wanted to do a comment for the tv show. This was a live taping. I decided not to but was excited that they asked. 

We enjoyed popcorn and fun lights as the show entertained both young and old. 

 Clap your hands, stomp your feet, Fabulous Five can't be beat!

Madi said "When I get big, I wanna to be Zoe" 

"I wanna go to it again" said Kyler. "Oscar is cool!"

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Juneau County Fair 2010
August 19th, 2010

Thursday night, Daddy came home from work and said he had plans on going to see the A-N-I-M-A-L-S! 


"Where is it going?" said Kyler "GROSS!"

"Dancing with the Cows" 
was the theme this year.

Although we didn't ride any of the scary, expensive carnival rides we could not leave with out a famous FFA milk shake. 

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Try, Try, and Try Again!

So I try to do this and never stick to it. I need to work on sticking to something. I need a place to share my thoughts and my family. So, here I am! I am going to do this. I can do this....... Really I can. Don't believe me ..... WATCH! 

  • Recap of summer 
  • Sesame Street Live 
  • Circus World
  • Preparing for School
  •  ...... and more. 
P.S    I thought this would be a good place to share the kids with Aunt Keli, who is off to college and we miss her already.